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Sandra Fayad Bsb
Minhocário de Palavras

Por Sandra Fayad
Next year , pays more attention .
Birds do not have email , but send you messages ;
Owls do not know your PC , but are certain that you are spam ;
Babies do not download, but when you submit antivirus ;
The old hibernate , but accompany you on webcam.
Next year , pays more attention .
Buy less potted orchids and more seeds ;
Plant the seed and cherry mango , papaya and avocado ;
Regard to children heroic stories of their ancestors ;
Listen to the advice of elders , although not abide .
Next year , pays more attention .
Talk with your eyes , instead of talking to your hair ;
Hear the sounds of your heart instead of your cell rings ;
Free yourself of media rather than repeat them and defend them platitudes .
Rather than preen yourself , calculates the cost of your spectacular fame.
Human you already are .
Next year , you animalizes and organicaliza you !
And thou shalt be perfect from head to toe .
Happy Holidays !

Note:  Text subject to rectification, translation from Portuguese to English by Google Translate.
Sandra Fayad Bsb
Enviado por Sandra Fayad Bsb em 27/12/2013
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